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10 Common Hair Myths and the Facts Behind Them

Writer's picture: Tease Hair BoutiqueTease Hair Boutique

When it comes to hair care, there is so much information out there and it’s hard to know what is accurate and what is simply opinion. From what we heard growing up to what we see on social media, the truth around what is best for your hair can sometimes be hard to come by.

Fortunately, the Tease Hair Boutique team has pulled together a list of common hair questions and myths and provided answers as to whether these .

Myth 1: You should not wash your hair before dying it

Answer: False

Hair colors have evolved over the years as stylists and scientists look for more natural, less harsh elements to use to change the color of hair. But dying your hair while dirty is a thing of the past; before, coloring hair while dirty would allow natural oils to protect the scalp and hair shaft from the harsh chemicals used to change hair color. Now, most hair colors are much less harsh and take better to clean, freshly washed hair than oily hair. At Tease Hair Boutique, we opt for less-harsh, more natural hair colors that work better on clean hair!

Myth 2: You should not wash your hair right before getting an updo

Answer: True

We all want to go into big events feeling beautiful, but super-clean hair can actually result in less hold for your updo. Fully dried hair with a little natural grease gives your hair natural texture, which is easier to work with and can result in a better hold. When hair is too clean and smooth, it is harder to work with and may not stay as long. Depending on how often you wash your hair, it’s recommended to wash no sooner than a few hours before your styling appointment, the day before likely being the ideal time for most.

Myth 3: Trimming your hair makes it grow faster

Answer: False. BUT trimming is still important for length

While trimming your hair is important, it does not affect the speed of hair growth. As we covered in the importance of scalp health, hair growth starts at the root - and internally. Trimming the ends of your hair will not cause any change to your production of hair, however it can help hair look and feel longer and thicker. This is because when you trim your hair, you’re removing breakage and split ends caused by brushing, heat styling, and putting it up. Regular trims will prevent split ends from traveling further up the shaft of the hair, leaving hair looking fuller and healthier.

Myth 4: Sleep doesn’t affect your hair

Answer: False

Some mornings, we sacrifice doing our hair and makeup for a few extra minutes of sleep. While we may regret it during the day, sleep is actually incredibly important to hair health and growth, and it all starts internally. When we sleep, our bodies release a hormone called melatonin. If we don’t get enough sleep, our levels of melatonin production decrease, which can in turn result in hair loss. In addition to low melatonin levels, less sleep usually results in higher stress on the body, and it’s no surprise that high levels of stress result in hair prematurely entering the resting phase and shedding faster. So - when you have the opportunity to get some extra sleep - keep in mind it’s good for your hair (win, win!)

Myth 5: Stress causes gray hair

Answer: False-ish

If your mother ever proclaimed that your behavior was the reason for her gray hair, this wasn’t exactly true. Don’t tell her we told you, but gray hair cannot be caused by stress. The color of hair itself is determined by a pigment called Melanin. Over time and depending on genetic factors, this pigment depletes and hair begins to grow gray. Hair color is determined at the follicle and does not turn gray but instead begins to grow gray once your melanin is completely depleted.

But remember - stress can cause hair to shed faster, which means quicker depletion of this pigment. So in some ways, you may have aided in this, but to say you turned her hair gray is a myth.

Myth 6: Brushing your hair 100 times a day will keep it healthy

Answer: False

Easy, Marsha Brady. While brushing your hair is important for keeping it looking and feeling healthy and detangled, overdoing it can cause additional strain and breakage on the hair. Brushing is definitely important for both scalp health in stimulating blood flow and nourishing your ends by distributing natural oils throughout your lengths, but 100 times is excessive. We recommend brushing regularly but with a wide tooth comb or soft bristle brush. When hair is wet, it increases in elasticity and can break easier, so avoid over-brushing at these times specifically too!

Myth 7: Don’t use conditioner if your hair is greasy

Answer: Totally false

Greasy hair is not a result of using conditioner, but instead a result of sebum production.

While scalp training your hair can help to lower your natural production of sebum, the natural oils produced by your scalp, it can also cause more dryness and stress for your ends. Avoid conditioning your roots since it’s not needed due to natural oils, but never skip out on conditioning and rehydrating your ends as this could cause more split ends and breakage!

Myth 8: When shampooing, make sure to lather, rinse, and repeat

Answer: False - unnecessary

Lather, rinse, repeat; you’ll find these three words on the majority of shampoo bottles out there, instructing everyone that shampooing once is just not enough. While those who wash less often and have a lot of product buildup may need to repeat, most people do not. In fact, overdoing it may cause you to dry out your scalp. When shampooing your hair, always make sure to cleanse and remove product, but don’t feel the need to repeat as the bottle tells you.

Myth 9: Plucking a gray hair will make more grow

Answer: False

We’re back to grays again - but this time we’re debunking a myth that you’ll probably be happy to hear. No - plucking a gray hair will not cause more to grow. As discussed earlier, hair pigmentation is determined at the growth stage, and once the pigment melanin depletes, hair begins to grow in gray. If you’re beginning to go gray, plucking is not the right approach and can cause trauma or damage to the scalp, but it will not cause two more to grow in its place. Your best bet is to speak to your Tease Hair Boutique stylist about products that can help and adding gray coverage to your salon visit routine.

Myth 10: Shampoos stop working after using it for a while

Answer: False

There’s no evidence to prove that using the same shampoo consistently can cause your scalp to “get used to” it and make the product less effective. In fact, switching shampoos too often can upset the pH balance of your scalp, resulting in changing sebum production, which may make your scalp feel more oily or itchy and dry. If you’ve recently made a change to your hair, like lightening or using styling tools more often, it may be smart to switch to something more hydrating. Otherwise, if you have something that works well for you there’s no need to switch it!

Bottom Line

We’ve all heard rumors growing up about what’s good for our hair, what will keep it healthy and make it grow faster. BUT science has evolved and with it, we’ve learned a lot about what is actually healthy for our hair and what is not. We hope these learnings will help you make decisions for your hair, and if you’re ever in doubt simply ask your Tease Hair Boutique stylist!

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